It's worthy to mention it, that i live in a dormitory. As we know, living in a dormitory has some special effects in every people's life who once tried it. For example some of us are ready to leave food materials in the dishes after eating - for days, weeks.. The pictures below shows an example of this event. This happens when people doing everything in the summer instead of being at home and having a few hours to keep their living-area clean. So that, it' happened that i suddenly jumped up from my computer and told my room-mate, "Boldy, (his name) now i will do the washing-up, so let's find all the dirty dishes in our area !" (i told this phrase in hungarian of course..) Then we collected everything from the balcon, and from our room. It took me 1 hour and 5 minutes to wash-up everything.
- 10 plates
- 4 cook dishes
- seweral cutlery
- 3 dishes i aborted to clean. I simply couldn't do that ! %) (no special equipment)

íwán!azt a pormaszkot fordítva illik viselni.
És azzal mit érek ? Wédi hátul a hajamat ?
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