a concept prototype of iwanwilaga's Bio-Calendar (hungarian version)
I collect huge amount of data from my life, by photographing and noting my daily biological actions such as eating, sleeping, toilet using, yawning, sneezing and so on. Every time, i occur to do these methods, i take several special* photos of them, which contains the important timedata** and other details. By using these photos, i'm allowed to reconstruct and visualize my history - at any rate - by biological aspect.
THAT IS IWAN'S BIO-CALENDAR How do i imagine this ? There is a calendar-like surface (picture on the top) which shows 1 month at a time, by 24 hours of a day horizontally (as the x axis) and by up to 31 days of a month vertically (y axis). A banch of colorful lines with different longness are representing the time-length of each action i did at that time. Sleeping is green, time spent in front of the computer i yellow and so on..
MULTIMEDIA SURFACE This calendar would act as a multimedia surface, by moving the cursor over a line or icon, the photo, video, or other source will be displaysed, which that current data belongs to. So that way, we can lookover my whole month without a mouse click.
DOING MY LIFE EASIER The reason, why i want to design a software explicitly for my personal data types/formats is the fact, that this kind of documented lifetyle requires extreme capacity and enormous time, which i have only if i find solution for the easiest, fastest and most economic life-data management what can exist (if i want to live a normal life besides). This time, i manage my daily bio-diary by the help of several different softwares and files, like excel, access, photoshop or adobe flash. I want to get the end of this chaos also by developing my universal software. Just like the Google Analytics for website statitics. It should be personal google-like life-analytics application for me, and for all, who wants to note and record some patterns of their life.
TECHNICAL DETAILS I will get this BIO-CALENDAR application to work by using Adobe Flash CS3 - actionscript 3 for creating the user interface, the calendar itself, and PhP + MySQL for storing the data online and get accessible for different kind of users.
*: all kind of action have it's special way to record.
**: meta-data(exif): all digital camera record the values/parameters of the taken photo.