Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Food-Photo Problematics #1

The same is not the same

The same sandwich is on the left and right, but it looks absolutely different when it's opened !

Some ingredients are not visible on the picture, unless i put down the top of the bun-s. Okay, but that's not the typical way that i eat them. So,i have to choose whether i show which ingredients the sandwich consists (on the right), or just show the exact looking of the sandwich that i eat (left side).
Both the left and right side gives us important information... but about two different things, which ain't exist at the same time! So i cannot compress all the information* into one picture. This is a major problem ! What is the correct solution?! I'm afraid, I have several other problems like this one..

*: 'Informative food-documentation': might be the definition of the action, what i do every time, before i eat something.
I try to document my foods on the most logical way, by the way it's not an easy business to keep the reality unchanged in some extreme situations. There are several other problems, which i meet oftenly, during my food-document project.

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