I hawe to tell you, that i have 1 (haha..1 more) strange habit. I started writing W-s instead of V-s in all my writed text ! Everywhere: in school-exams, official letters and to friends. Why ? The question is right !
what was the reason of killing "V" ?
- The first W has writen in an sms-that i wrote to somebody. I "explored" that typing 'w' is more faster then choose the 'v', because 'w' was the first letter when i pushed the number "9" while 'v' is only the 3th letter on the number "8"-button.
- I found that there are too many Ivan-s on the web, (later i experienced that there are quite much Iwans also (mainly in islamic architecture)
- Maybe from some more exhibitionist / personality-restorative causes.
how it is started ?
I found that it's funny (to me) to write W-s "in ewery word i write", so started to use this new syntax in emails, shool exams, official mailings.. and i just watched how people react on it.
public reflectation: problems with it
Mainly people didn't even mentioned it. Then i started to write "in adwance" some sorry message for the "W"-s and asked the reciever person to tell me if my behaviour irritates her/him. I didn't even find any answers in my inbox with "please stop doing it".
That was totally different in forums. 2 of 3 forums administrator asked me to stop writing W-s or replace them with V-s or remowe my post. In a special case, i blowed a medium sized discussion about my writing style. People diagnostized me as a "split-minded personality" , depressive, geek, EMO, anti-hungarian revolutionist. And i did them justice, and do myself justice also :) So it was a valuable experiment, how people divides into 2 classes: who tolerates these kind of irregularities, and who is'nt.
That was totally different in forums. 2 of 3 forums administrator asked me to stop writing W-s or replace them with V-s or remowe my post. In a special case, i blowed a medium sized discussion about my writing style. People diagnostized me as a "split-minded personality" , depressive, geek, EMO, anti-hungarian revolutionist. And i did them justice, and do myself justice also :) So it was a valuable experiment, how people divides into 2 classes: who tolerates these kind of irregularities, and who is'nt.
why is the restoration of V ?
Meantime i slowly started to enclose the "i m not tolerate ewen my irregularities - class". That's why i stopped writing W-s..
Tell me how much % do you understand about this post ?
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