I remember, i first heard about this game in the elevator on the 8th floor of the block of flats where i lived in 1995. One of my school-mate's brother told something about it, while we lifted towards my home to the 10th floor to copy some games onto my PC. Originally they took the "Quarantine" with themselves to play, but before they left, i asked them to leave those few floppy disks with this tycoon game on it at my place ... Something started.
Today, 13 years passed and TT Deluxe edition is still on my computer ( on my ~20th hard disk, i don't count:) So i decided to play a session at "HARD" difficulty. It took me clearly 24 hours (3hours 46minutes average per day for 7 days) to finish this game session overally, without mods and cheats and i don't know what else dirty things. The roll of the game simply the following: me and other 5-6 AI start the rush for profit , after 5-6 years one AI shows some extra activity/income separatly from the others. It's name is "Platown Transport Company" - lets simply call him - YELLOW AI - become my final cutthroat competition !
1.START - 1950-1965 - race
1950 - i start with initial bank loan of 200.000 dollars, that's all i have, it must be enough to set up my first train-route beetween a gold-mine and a local town's bank. At the end of 1951 i own 1 train route and 2 road vehicles.

1954 September - YELLOW AI ("Platown Transport" company) shows up by making a strong start: swiftly achieving 2 subsidies at the same time, (which gains him 50% more income per service) secedes from the main field and keeps leading the side/field in the next (50) years.
1963 April - i buy 25% of YELLOW AI's company by the fear of Yellow AI's growing over me, but i can't wait for that time, i need money for constructions right now, so i have to sell that quarter few months later.
1963 November - i buy 75% (100,681 $) of "Hentown Transport " (an other AI brown colored) - who owns two big airports but run bankrupt and frozen without vehicles. Few months/weeks before i can pay the last quarter to buy the whole company, YELLOW AI is faster than i and buy "Hentown Transport ". Thats a pity, but on the other side he spares me 400.000 dollars, because of the sold company has also a big unpaid bank loan, which Yellow AI's charge to pay back :)
1964 - i (Iwan Wilaga Transport) buy Gunnpoll transport but not realized that it had -400.000 $ bank loan also, so besides i got a few good train routes with mediocre trains, i have to reorganise the transport on those AI constructed routes and pay back somehow that loan.. Otherwise YELLOW AI gets higher surplus and seems taking over the control permanently.1963 April - i buy 25% of YELLOW AI's company by the fear of Yellow AI's growing over me, but i can't wait for that time, i need money for constructions right now, so i have to sell that quarter few months later.
1963 November - i buy 75% (100,681 $) of "Hentown Transport " (an other AI brown colored) - who owns two big airports but run bankrupt and frozen without vehicles. Few months/weeks before i can pay the last quarter to buy the whole company, YELLOW AI is faster than i and buy "Hentown Transport ". Thats a pity, but on the other side he spares me 400.000 dollars, because of the sold company has also a big unpaid bank loan, which Yellow AI's charge to pay back :)
Then i bought a nice amount of debt along with that company.., in the next 10 it will be a main task to reduce the dept in my bank balance and by maintaining my vehicle-fleet, keep up racing with the more and more stronger YELLOW AI. Yes, thats tha main point, if i'm not up to date, my trains going older that YELLOW AI-s ones, that means the end, because with old vehicles i cannot transport goods as fast to target destinations as YELLOW AI, so that he gets more money than i, - because speed EQUALS money - and i never will be able to catch-up to YELLOW AI. Only solution left.. the "AIR-business"..
1966 - since autumn of 1963 (a breakpoint) YELLOW AI makes 3x more income per month than i, thats the first case that makes me feeling myself under real pressure !
1966 December - the coal mine at my first train route closed and don't producing any more coal. Thats an unfortunate turn -another case for missing profit- that i didn't really count with.
1968 November - I build a train line beside another coal-mine which YELLOW AI transports from. So that i drain his business with my shorter and more straight railway. It must work !
1969 June - YELLOW AI transports 2x more cargo than me.
1972 - I build my longest railway from Hetston coal-mines to a power plant in the center of the map.
1976 - YELLOW AI owns 17trains and 7 road vehicles ! I only have 7 trains and 1 bus..
1980 - YELLOW AI keeps 3x more income. He gains 106.000 $ ! My income is only 35.000 $/ month. No good. No, God !
1968 November - I build a train line beside another coal-mine which YELLOW AI transports from. So that i drain his business with my shorter and more straight railway. It must work !
1969 June - YELLOW AI transports 2x more cargo than me.
1972 - I build my longest railway from Hetston coal-mines to a power plant in the center of the map.
1976 - YELLOW AI owns 17trains and 7 road vehicles ! I only have 7 trains and 1 bus..
1980 - YELLOW AI keeps 3x more income. He gains 106.000 $ ! My income is only 35.000 $/ month. No good. No, God !
3.CLIMBING BACK TO THE TOP ! 1980-2010 (to the holding company status)
Changing old trains to new ones, rebuild some routes shorter and straighter than before ! Trying to be faster and more efficient than YELLOW AI ! My human brain helped me out from this 'sinkhole' situation. AI doesn't thinking about constructing and planning it's railways enough economic and competitive.
1981 - YELLOW AI is maintaining his first airplane, fortunately the AI cannot plan such economic air-routes, so he produces deficit because the cities he flights beetween are so close to each other, so it not refundable to run airplanes beetween. He doesn't use airplanes for that i love the most in them: the SPEED-DISTANCE-CAPACITY.
1982-84 - i buy new buses instead of the old and wrecky 25+ year old ones, and do the same with some important trains.
1985 February - i start preparing places near main cities for my airports.
1987 October - YELLOW AI's company value is 5.6 x more than my companie's value. He has 22 trains, 13 road vehicles. I have only 8 trains, but i have a crowded airplane, hahaa ! %)
1987 December - My biggest airport finished at the center of "Chardworth Falls"-city !
1996 December - Air crash, i lost 1 of the 3 planes i have. More than 200 people dies. Fortunately business keeps running. I have 2 airplanes and 7 airports on the map !
1997 December - YELLOW AI buys a Concorde ("Yate Haugan") airplane which is a big weapon if somebody can use it, but AI seems cannot use it, because he sends it into little towns, and it produces only deficit by standing at one place and loading passengers instead of flying flying flying.
1998 - Meantime my 3 airplanes are working on high performance, and gaining enough money to me for replace my whole train-fleet to the fastest-newest ones.
1999 May - slowly my company's operating income starts catching up to YELLOW-AI, so that in the past 1.5 years term i tripled my income.
1999 October - I have only 4 planes, but an increasing company value, YELLOW AI is still 4.6x more valuable company than my one.
2000 Jun - Historical moment, my operating profit reaches YELLOW AI's profit first time, since March of 1965. Well, 35 years passed, but i am here again, stepping out from the shadow of YELLOW AI to take my revenge !
2002 Oct - I bought a Concorde Jet plane for 3,704,090 $ (i spared money for at least 2 years, and borrowed all the loan that bank allows)
2005 Oct - YELLOW AI's company value is only 2.3 X more than my one ! It halfed in 6 years !
2006 March - i build my first monorail-route beetween two main cities.
2006 August - My operating profit is 2X more than YELLOW AI's one. Thanks to my Airline business and the railway reconstructions.
2009 December - now i take over YELLOW AI in delivered cargo units, first for the past 50 years i deliver more cargo than YELLOW AI.
4.MERGE 2011jul-2016may (iwan finally beats YELLOW AI)
2011 July - I buy the first quarter if YELLOW AI's company. At this time my company value is 33Million $, while YELLOW AI is 38M dollars. (only 1.3X richer than i )
2013 September - i buy the second quarter of YELLOW... so i owe 50% of him now %))
2015 March - 75% is mine.. " Hey, you, YELLOW ! prepare for retirement" !
2016 May - finally i bought YELLOW AI. Terror is ower.. Sun goes out from the dark clouds.. and music turns on. I have 34 years left to continue with my empire until 2050. Now i have 26 trains, 37 road vehicles, 17 aircraft and a company value of 67,448,874 dollars. It's good for me.

5.EXPOSITION - company for the endless future...
In the next 28 years the all i do is modernizing my existing infrastructure, building some more magLev-routes, and watching how the map is buiding and blooming like an organic root-system, how cities "puffing up" and how income flowes into my account in a kind of exponential way.
2022 - First magLev train has built by me.
2050 January - my bank balance is 865,665,952 $, i am an owner of 39 trains, 56 road vehicles, 25 aircraft 25 airports and a happy owner of a company by the value of 1,112,033,448 f*ckin' million green bucks !

Thank you Chris Sawyer and all people who worked on Transport Tycoon series. I think, it is a real essence, a well written game. I Haven't tried _Open TTD_ and i never plan to do that. Original rocks. Bless !
2022 - First magLev train has built by me.
2050 January - my bank balance is 865,665,952 $, i am an owner of 39 trains, 56 road vehicles, 25 aircraft 25 airports and a happy owner of a company by the value of 1,112,033,448 f*ckin' million green bucks !

Thank you Chris Sawyer and all people who worked on Transport Tycoon series. I think, it is a real essence, a well written game. I Haven't tried _Open TTD_ and i never plan to do that. Original rocks. Bless !
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