Our life is about tasks to do. I have daily tasks also, and I write these tasks into an Excel file* every day. Each row is a DAY and each column is a TASK. So there are 365 rows i write a year. It helps me organizing my day, and keeping in mind all the important things to do. It works forward and backward also. I mean, when i write the tasks for tomorrow at the end of today, i planning forward. But, this slot-system also works as a history, when i search for something in the past, or i need to know information about one of my days in the past, i can rapidly scroll back and got a profile about the searched day by the tasks i worked-on that day. If i would print this daily growing list into paper roll, -with arial font at a 10-size, it would be at least 2 meters long (for one year). If i print all my daily tasks at my 60th birthday, it will be 79,7 meters long !
This image is a 45%-zoomed version, it shows only the colorful pattern of my life by my tasks. See, that i always have more plans than capacity to complete all my current tasks. I will put the full sized image onto my renewed website (in progress).
additional info: the uncolored period of the image is the first quarter of 2007, is thanked to a hard-disk failure, after that i only could restore the crashed excel file without color data..
*: iwan's SLOTsystem started on the 1st of January, 2007